PJ Harvey at Plenary

PJ Harvey and band on stage.
an appeal from pj for tall people to please stop

11 March 2025, supported by Mick Turner.

Here I am back seeing another international touring act. I promise the next show I see will be something local (I already have the tickets).

I feel like these live music posts end up being venue reviews too. In this case, I'm afraid Plenary at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre isn't going to fare too well. At one point I had to remind myself to stop noticing things that bug me and concentrate on the music.

Good move, too, because the music was exceptional. I really admire PJ Harvey as a vocalist, especially now that I have seen her live. She has such a range, not just in the sense of octaves but in the range of affect she is able to express with her vocals inside each moment.

Her band was fantastic too. Not that it was really possible to take one's attention away from the singer.

The first set she played her 2023 album I Inside the Old Year Dying from start to finish. Her band of four stayed on stage to play a short folk song while she went off for a wardrobe change, and the second set was from all of her albums, including many of her most well-known songs.

I found this blog of the show written by someone who is obviously a serious fan and good at song titles!

Until the very end of the second set, PJ didn't talk to the crowd. She connected with us in her own way, standing close, reaching out and staring. It was very much the vibe of a performance or recital rather than a gig, if that makes sense.

I was in the general admission standing room in front of the stage. I'm glad about this because the seats are just so far away. However there were some incredibly tall people in front of me. I am 157 cm tall and there were two tall women near me who made sure I stood in front of them. Legends. Giant man up ahead though? Nope.

I suppose there is no crowd etiquette for tall people, but I wish they would stand to the side or further back, or at least turn around and see who is behind them and be just a little bit accommodating. And for people to not wear hats. I would like there to be a bit more comradery. Are these unreasonable wants?

The support was Mick Turner from The Dirty Three playing guitar with a backing track, no vocals. He was great and I've love to see him play a longer and more expansive set some time.

I guess I need to talk about Plenary just a bit. The last time I was there was for an energy conference and, well, it makes a good venue for an energy conference. For a concert, I mean the sound and lighting was impeccable, but the place is not very rock and roll.

Having to stand with my arms out to be scanned with a metal detector before going in was also completely unnecessary and didn't set a particularly fun tone.

So I will swear off Plenary unless there is something I really can't bear to miss. Like, I saw Rodriguez and Archie Roach play there a while back which was very special. But yeah, to the dozens of booking agents who regularly read this blog, please make it stop.