Kristin Hersh at The Corner

Kristin Hersh on stage playing a solo show
turns out I am the serious girl with camera at gigs. worth it

2 March 2025 in Melbourne, supported by Freya Josephine Hollick

I swear I don't only go and see touring acts, but you wouldn't know that looking at my schedule in early 2025.

This was my second Kristin Hersh show in about a year and a half after seeing her play the Northcote Social Club in late 2023. Aidsy was sick and missed that show so he was grateful for this do-over. I was very happy to go again especially seeing The Corner is a much, much better venue.

It always sounds good at The Corner. I saw Shellac play there a few years ago and I feel it's not a stretch to say that Steve Albini wouldn't abide anything less than good sound.

It obviously didn't sell that well (people are, once again, wrong) so they put a few rows of chairs out to fill the space and make it intimate. I opted to stand behind them and enjoy an uninterrupted view of the stage. I not only brought a real camera this time, I even picked the right lens!

Kristin Hersh is so good. It's just her and a guitar and that's all that is needed. Great songs and bit of goofy storytelling. I have been listening to her two most recent albums quite a lot but unfortunately I just don't pay enough attention to track names. I think she played Bewitched Reruns and Ms Haha from Clear Pond Road...she definitely played Your Ghost from Hips and Makers.

Anyway. It was good!

I also liked the support, Freya Josephine Hollick, a country singer-songwriter from Ballarat. She is keeping it real and she made me feel as though it wouldn't be a terrible mistake to one day attend the Tamworth Country Music Festival. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves.

We left before remembering that we were going to grab the new Throwing Muses album from the merch stand. Not to worry though, they are touring in December and will be back.