Football feelings in the divorce round

Last night, my team (the Western Bulldogs) played Adrian's team (the Carlton Blues), making it the divorce round. Attending has become an annual event for us.
We're still working through the circumstances in which this match would lead to our divorce. Whatever happens, one is faced head-on with football feelings. Obviously I would prefer the Dogs to win, but I barrack for Carlton against any other opponent and I hate to see them suffer.
Wait. Any other opponent? The other team I wish well is Freo. The circumstance of Blues versus Freo brings a set of feelings I am yet to fully explore. But let's not get too distracted.
Last night's match was a Carlton home game which meant a huge crowd, 45,000-odd, collectively overflowing with feelings. I have sympathy for their plight being a 'big' team, under heavy expectations, with few recent good times.
Adrian seems to manage his football feelings by remaining loyal and true but also not expecting them to win anything, ever. This is a better coping strategy than most Carlton fans in my observation.
My Dogs-related feelings are very good at the moment, not only because last night we won what was a tense and close game. As a 'small' team by Melbourne standards and with lots of unused space in the trophy cabinet there is a perpetual feeling of underdog-ness.
Emphasising this was the endearing banner sponsorship by Altona Stationers, which I can only assume is a 1980s-era business located in what is most certainly a 1980s-era suburb. Definitely going there for my next new mouse pad.
And with many good players injured or absent, I feel pride and appreciation for any wins by the Dogs right now.
So, my football feelings: good. Adrian's: managed. I hope Carlton have a ludicrous win against Collingwood next week.